Getting Started !!
- Search or Browse for Genes with identified IRESes
- Query Results
- Transcript IRES Detail Page
Search or Browse for Genes with identified IRESes
Human IRES Atlas provides two modes to find the identified IRES elements of interest:
- Search mode: Key in the gene of interest to search for the identified IRES elements related to this gene.
Browse mode: Find the IRES elemnets of interest by filtering the following two criteria:
(1) residing chromosomes
(2) annotated KEGG pathways of its regulated gene
(3) the conservation q-value threshold
(4) the RPI q-value threshold
(5) the conditional tranlation efficiency q-value threshold
- The filtering criteria of this browse query.
- The putative IRES list can be download as a .csv file.
- The table of the IRESs satisfying the filtering criteria.

Query Results
After selected the gene of interest, a summary table for the IRESes and their related translation-initiation related features for transcript isoforms of the selected gene are listed.
- The summary information for the queried gene.
- The table of transcript isoforms with identified IRES elements on them. Details explanation of the tables columns can be viewed by clicking the corresponding items.
- The table of transcript isoforms with no identified IRES on them.
- The link to the transcript IRES detail page of the given transcript isoform.
Transcript IRES Detail Page
The transcript IRES detail page shows the detailed information of the identified IRES elements and the translation-initiation related feature data of theselected transcript.
- The brief information of the selected transcript isoform.
- The summary listing of the identified IRES elements in the 5'UTR of the selected transcript.
- The IRES-translation initiation interaction map for the 5'UTR of the selected transcript. This helps users to deduce testable molecular mechanism hypotheses of IRES-mediated translation regulation.
- Summary tables of the detailed translation initiation-related information that were found for each identified IRES. Includes the following: ribosome profiling data, phastcon conservation scores, predicted IRES structural forms, eTIS, nTIS, uORF, ITAF binding events, translation enhancing elements, IRES activity measurements, literature IRES verification evidence.
- All tables can be downloaded as the .csv format or the .bed format using the download button.
- Copyright © 2020, NUK All rights reserved. Computational Biology & Intelligence System Lab