2024, Spring
  1. Engineering Mathematics II (undergraduate)
  2. Deep Learning in Biomedicine (graduate)
  3. Introduction to Deep Learning Applications in Genomics (graduate, winter vacation course)
  4. The Engineering Mathematics in Medicine (graduate -- multiple lecturers)
  5. Service Study (2) (undergraduate -- multiple lecturers)
  6. Introduction to Biomedical Enginneering II (undergraduate -- multiple lecturers)
  7. Biomedical Engineering Laboratory II (undergraduate -- multiple lecturers)
  8. Introduction to Medical Engineering (graduate -- multiple lecturers)
2023, Fall
  1. Engineering Mathematics I (undergraduate)
  2. Service Study (1) (undergraduate -- multiple lecturers)
  3. Biomedical Database Desgin and Web Interface Implementation (graduate)
  4. Seminar (Ⅰ)(III) (undergraduate -- multiple lecturers)
2023, Spring
  1. Engineering Mathematics II (undergraduate)
  2. Deep Learning in Biomedicine (graduate)
  3. Biomedical Engineering Laboratory (undergraduate -- multiple lecturers)
  4. The Engineering Mathematics in Medicine (graduate -- multiple lecturers)
  5. Introduction to Medical Engineering (graduate -- multiple lecturers)
2022, Fall
  1. Engineering Mathematics I (undergraduate)
  2. Introduction to Computer Science (undergraduate)

2022, Spring
  1. Object Oriented Programming I (undergraduate)
  2. Database Management System (undergraduate)
  3. Deep Neural Network II (graduate)
  4. Deep Neural Network Research (graduate)
  5. Introduction to Information Technology (graduate)
  6. Project Development I (undergraduate)
  7. Artificial Intelligence System and Practice (undergraduate)
2021, Fall
  1. Object Oriented Programming II (undergraduate)
  2. Advanced Java Theory and Practice (undergraduate)
  3. Deep Neural Network I (graduate)
  4. Information Systems Research (graduate)
  5. Project Development II (undergraduate)
  6. Artificial Intelligence System and Practice (undergraduate)
2021, Spring
  1. Object Oriented Programming I (undergraduate)
  2. Database Management System (undergraduate)
  3. Introduction to Deep Learning (graduate)
  4. Application of deep learning techniques to real world problems (graduate)
  5. Project Development I (undergraduate)
  6. Introduction to Information Technology (graduate)
2020, Fall
  1. Object Oriented Programming II (undergraduate)
  2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (graduate)
  3. Advanced Database Management System (graduate)
  4. Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis (graduate)
  5. Project Development II (undergraduate)
2020, Spring
  1. Calculus (undergraduate)
  2. Database Management System (undergraduate)
  3. Application of algorithms and large-scale software design (graduate)
  4. Application of deep learning techniques to real world problems (graduate)
  5. Project Development I (undergraduate)
  6. Introduction to Information Technology (graduate)
2019, Fall
  1. Object Oriented Programming II (undergraduate)
  2. Introduction to Deep Learning (graduate)
  3. Advanced Database Management System (graduate)
  4. Project Development II (B) (undergraduate)
2019, Spring
  1. Object Oriented Programming I (undergraduate)
  2. Calculus (undergraduate)
  3. Database Management System (undergraduate)
  4. Project Development I (B) (undergraduate)
  5. Introduction to Information Technology (graduate)
2018, Fall
  1. Object Oriented Programming II (undergraduate)
  2. Introduction to Deep Learning (undergraduate)
  3. Advanced Database Management System (graduate)
  4. The Goal of University Education(COM) (undergraduate)