We are the Computational Biology & Intelligence System Research Group @ National Cheng Kung University. If you are interested in doing multidisciplinary research projects, please feel free to contact us. Students interested in artificial intelligence or its application in biomedical areas are welcome to join us.
Latest News
Congragulation to our lab members:
  1. You-An Kuo (郭祐安), 2024 SMBE Regional Meeting in Taiwan (Travel Grants Winner) @ Taipei
  2. Chin-Cheng Lee (李縉丞), 2024 ICBCB (Oral Presentation) @ Tokyo
  3. Ya-Chiao Yang (楊雅喬), Hsiu-Chun Tsai (蔡琇鈞), Chung-Yu Wang (王仲佑), and Kai-Chi Tu (涂凱祺), 2021 TAAI (Oral Presentation) @ Taichung
  4. Yu-Cian Lin (林郁茜), 2020 InCoB (Top 5 Best Poster Presentation) @ Virtual
  5. Yu-Huai Yu (尤毓淮), 2020 InCoB (Top 5 Best Poster Presentation) @ Virtual
Research Fields
Our research is focused on Computational Biology, Systems Biology, and Bioinformatics. The central theme of these cross-domain research fields is integrating different genome-wide high-throughput data using electrical engineering and computer science techniques to construct and analyze biological systems. Mastering both information engineering techniques and biological knowledge is required to tackle these types of problems. The results combine biological knowledge (molecular biology and cell biology) and information engineering techniques (network analysis, Digital Signal Processing, algorithm design, dynamic system modeling, machine learning, and big data analysis).
The following categories outlined our current research focuses:
Biomedical Informatics
Biomedical Big Data Analysis
Application of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Molecular Biology
Biomedical Database and Web Application Service Construction